Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Godly Violation

1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me.

I cannot imagine how a person feels after been searched either of their property or their person. What a violation of one's own self-esteem! Yet there will be times when the discomfort becomes a reality within all our lives.
Consider who we allow to see our very best and the worse of ourselves. The spouse or significant other, our children, our best friend, co-workers; far worse and when we are not looking, all those people we encounter outside our four walls. Our actions inside and outside our homes tells people allot about what we do not want to bring out. Admittedly, we try very hard to hide those
shameful things, but unfortunately, these things reveal themselves when we are not conscious of our actions.
Let's take this further: If you are a believer in God for who He really is, Creator of our very selves, imagine what He sees and knows way before we act, especially those actions we try to hide. Then consider this! He still loves us! He sent His blameless, sinless, most powerful child, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for those very shameful actions. That makes me feel better, but it sure hate knowing I am still capable of a sin-choice which my Creator already knows about and sees.

Oh Lord, my Creator,
I can self search and take the Lord's Supper in remembrance of You all I want to, but in the everyday life, I run in and out of my days not always thinking about what I am looking like to Your presence. At least I know that when you search me, You are searching the deepest parts of me and that I can take comfort that You know me so well, none of what You find surprises You. As You deal with the very heart of me and my iniquities, make me hurt when I am about to make sin-choices so I may make that choice not to sin. Use this tactic for even those subconscious, embedded things I do not want to reveal, but reveal themselves in me. I want to be more like Your Son, Jesus. Looks like I will be hurting everyday! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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