Thursday, August 6, 2009

Love & Hate

21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,and abhor those who rise up against you?

As in my favorite caveman saying, "Uh, What!" As Christians, are we suppose to hate? According to what I have read in the Bible, have been taught in Sunday School class and church, I don't think so!
First, God never hates anything or anyone whom He has created. If He hated anything He created, it would not have been created in the first place. Genesis 1 states, "And God saw that it was good." after each He created. No hate there. For Him to hate what He has created would mean He made mistakes and cannot correct it. He is a Mighty, Holy God who cannot make mistakes or hate what He has created. Yes, there are things God cannot do!
Secondly, if God does not hate that which He has created, we should not hate His creation either.
So why does David say this? Have you ever heard the statement, "Hate the sin, not the sinner"? Sin is just as much a verb as love. Just as love is an action, so sin takes action. Both love and hate are choices we make according to what we believe.
I will use myself as an example:
I love my country! I believe in her. I believe we are the greatest country among all the nations! I even love and pray for President Obama! Some of my friends would say, "WHAT! I thought you were a conservative Christian!"
I am, however, I hate some of the things President Obama has said about our country. I abhor his bowing down to an Arab leader. I detest his health care proposal for I feel it is wrong to socialize our health care. It unnerves me to know he does not care for our military men and women. These are his actions and choices which affects the whole country.
President Barak Obama is created in the image of God. When God created him, He saw that he was good. That alone gives me reason to love him enough to pray for him. I may not have voted for him, but I can respect the position given him BY GOD. The President of the United States is a highly stressful job and not one I would want to endure. This man educated himself with the desire to enter politics. Do you think he developed this desire by himself? God knew this before He created this man---way in advance. President Obama's victory was not just by vote, but by the authority of God. Does this mean God elected him to be president? God allowed the vote of the people by the people. For this reason, I will not read inflammatory emails, news, or cartoons about him.
We should not be using language of hate, but we should be crying out to God concerning him, his cabinet, and our governing officials! We should be speaking out against those things we know are wrong to our representatives, not bashing our President. We should not be shouting hateful things to him while he is giving his speeches. If we disagree, we should pray about what we need to say to him. He has an email address that he will read if we disagree respectfully.

El-Elyon, Lord God Most High,
We need Your forgiveness for hating people because of their actions instead of seeing them as You see them---flawed individuals like ourselves. Everyone You have created You have seen as good. Even though we have submitted to sin, You still love us and desire for us to draw closer to You. You desire fellowship with Your creation is the reason You created us. We need Your protection from Lucifer's hate for us, especially since he uses us in his hateful, contempt toward You and in his envy to who You are. Teach us that we do not have to be tolerent of sin, but can speak against it in Jesus' name as humble servants of His. All sin is what Jesus Christ died for as it says in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." May those who shun this truth learn this truth through the agape love You have shown to us. May Your grace and mercy shine forth that the lost may see Your true, pure mercy in Jesus' precious name, Amen!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Intentional Speech

20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name.

I recently read a blog from my friend, Nancy Arant Williams that I printed out because I despise reading on the computor unless necessary. I quote the very first sentence: "You and I are God's mouthpiece in the world today."
I stand guilty of not being God's mouthpiece in this world. My greatest problem is emotion. Today I listened to Granddaddy Stanley who through the Holy Spirit, examined my heart concerning how I look at my circumstances. Little Miss Victimized was exposed! Yet in his kind, loving speech, he took me to a new found affection for the Apostle Paul and his writings. The Apostle Paul's writings use to be a jaw-tightening experience for me which toned down to an abandoning as I recognized the truth behind his words as God speaking through him. Now this new found affection only impresses me to desire his courage to look past his circumstances in all things and focus on the purpose God called him.
Now is the time of decision which I need to make concerning the words I use in the circumstances. Do I look at the circumstances returning to Little Miss Victimized looking within, or do I move forward focused on God with His opportunity in sight. Admitably, Little Miss Victimized is far easier especially when I am exposed to this characteristic everyday.
Now I will place an example before me. Usually, I would place my mentor, Gay in this position, but this time, I will use Michael J. Fox. He has written books I should read. He has Parkinson's Disease which is an a chronic and progressive degenerative disease of the brain that impairs motor control, speech, and other functions. (Wikipedia) If this man, who has more to loose than I, can see past his circumstances and deteriation, what is wrong with me? ME, Little Miss Victimized!

El-Elyon, LORD Most High,
I stand before you guilty of evil intent in my speech which comes from my heart Little Miss Victimized waiting to become angry at You or anyone else of MY bad attitude toward circumstances surrounding me and those with the same character. I use this confession to not only ask for forgiveness, but to also ask Your help in changing this attitude by looking to You. This is a lesson needed continually for it is a tough nut to crack to get to the fruit. Crack my hard shell developed over years of not thinking, but sharing my feelings. Take away the shell so others may enjoy the fruit of this nut. Take out the dryness of this voice replacing it with the sweet taste nestled in the meat of a hazel nut. Replace the woman of harshness with a woman of Your intention, in the precious name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Heart Words

20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name.

Have we ever considered how we talk to God when we pray or even refer to His name in certain moments? I have to think about these things because often God has to convict me of my thoughts and words, especially when I speak these words to others!
Like last night when God had to convict my heart about an evil thought about a co-worker; an thought of an event that would send that disagreeable co-worker packing. I expressed this evil thought to a co-worker with whom I enjoyed working. I get in the car and WHAM! God convicts me of my words; not like a lightning volt, but like a pang in my heart. "Did you just hear what you just said about this person, Nancy? How is this going to help in your prayers for your workplace? Is it your decision with whom you work? How do you think the co-worker you just spoke to sees you now? Was I glorified? Did you show MY love?"
It is so easy to speak against someone we do not like and want to see them gone, but what is not so easy is praying for the person seeking God's love for them. He does love them, you know.
I am including in this writing a prayer I sent to someone I have never met and want to meet one day for they have suffered much. I am including this because this should be the prayer I need to pray for this co-worker with whom I disapprove:

Jehovah-Jireh, LORD our Provider,
Show Your power and love for Your children when we wait on You. As you provided for Your children, Israel food, protection, and shelter, so You do so today. We praise the name of Jesus!! We thank You. We praise You. We cannot but believe. But when we falter, forgive us when do not act or talk like Your presence is not near. Help us in our unbelief in the scary times. And in the times of comfort, let us not alone when we get too comfortable who has provided what we have. Thank you for Elizabeth and Katy who are willing to be transparent about what they are going through so others can be blessed as they pray for them. To God be the glory great things He has done! Amen and Amen!

Jehovah-Mekaddishkem, LORD our Sanctifier,
So have you loved me so much that You sent Your only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins, so you have done the same for those with whom I work, agreeable and disagreeable. Thank you for lovingly reminding me of the way my heart should speak to You and others about Your saving grace, Your provision for their lives, but most of all, what You had to suffer for our sins. Forgive me for my evil thoughts and words revealing my evil heart. I truly do desire to transform this heart to a heart like Yours, but I need to commit this heart always to You, everyday and every moment. Thank You for this lesson. Thank You for Your forgiveness for even this, in Jesus' precious name and for His sake, I commit to glorify Him with my thoughts and words, Amen.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rocket Tongue

19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!

Sometimes I think about these very words when I watch the news, go to work to hear gossip mixed with observing the idleness in other's work, then to sometimes be left with cleaning up the mess left by co-workers. (I'm not just refering to another shift.) Sometimes this offensive stress is tripled by the fact I am coming in on my fifth day and already very tired only to realize I will be working with fewer co-workers or less experienced co-workers. Then I come home with nothing left to give only to be confronted with the mess of idleness again. This is when I have to eat the inside of my jaw to prevent Rocket Tongue from presenting herself.
Oh, you have never heard of Rocket Tongue. Why she is my fleshly sin! She is quick to judge, short of temper, impatient, gossipy disgruntaled, edgy in action. She has eyes that cut through your soul chilling you to the bone. She is Judge Judy with a very bad disposition and bad hair day waiting for someone to do or say something dumb so she can lash them with her Rocket Tongue thus giving them no defense from the flying debri in the explosion. She will stand there panting watching you bleed. She is a bad as the very people with whom she becomes angry all because she takes this stress personally.
I try desperately hard to avoid this woman at all cost, but she still welds up inside me and tries to justify why I should become her once more. "These things will never change to your satisfaction," she says coaxing my eyes and ears. Unfortunately, she is right, but not to the point I should turn to her ways of handling the situation. She is of no comfort to me, but a hindrance to my relationship with God and others.
How I long to become a woman of gentle spirit like my friend and mentor, Gay. She is such a wonderful example of meekness and the fruit of the Spirit. When she speaks, even in rebuke, she yields fruit with a smile. She is the Proverbs 31 woman I cannot but dream of becoming. She would rebuke me for making that last statement for she would inform me God is not done with me yet and I should not limit myself in such a belief. Alas, she is able to speak to me in my heart without even knowing I have typed these words. And she is absolutely right!

Jehovah God,
I am thankful You are not through with me yet. I am so very thankful for Your Word taught through those You place before me as mentors of my faith in You. From my family, to friends, to church members, members of this community, and even those people at work, You use imperfect people to grow me to the person I want to be instead of living out the person I despise, O' Rocket Tongue herself, the very person I would prefer You to slay out of me so I can be more like Christ who draws all people to You. Don't just shut her up in me, but destroy her will to live in me. Cast her out in the name of Jesus! I hate her with a holy hate. I want to become that Proverbs 31 woman. I need Your help everyday to achieve this goal of a lifetime. Place Your Words always before me as though I am speaking to You instead of what and who triggers my stress, in Jesus' name and for His sake I make this committment. Amen.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thought comparison

18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.

Can you imagin the countless thoughts that have run through you head since the day you opened your eyes and saw the very first person in your life? Is it possible thoughts ran through your head while in the womb? Science has proven that classical music, when played soothenly near the pregnant mother, has a beneficial effect upon the fetus helping the child to come into the world calmer and more intelligent when born. I don't know if I have experienced this myself or heard testimony of such results, but if true, then possibly a child in the womb can experience thoughts in the womb. Let's see the abortionist counter that one!
Let's see. I am 49 now which if I were to take every thought, starting with my very first and ending with the very last one of tonight, how much beach could I cover if my thoughts were a grain of sand---good thoughts, bad thoughts, thoughts that didn't make sense? I might be able to cover the first inch of a good size sand box. You think I may think too much?
Now think about God who is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is Omnipresent which means He was always around. God was never brought into His creation; His creation was brought because of Him. Now measure His thoughts to my one inch covering of a good size sand box. No comparison. From the time I wake in the morning til my mind goes into realm sleep, I am conscious of my thoughts. In realm sleep, I am not conscious of my thoughts other than a dream or two (which can be just as senseless as some of the conscious thoughts). With even this extra activity of thoughts going through my brain, I may be able to add an extra thin layer of sand, but still not be able to compare to God's continual conscious thoughts. The end of the verse says, "When I awake, I am still with you. " God's mind is always on me and on everything He has created. Can you imagin that vastness?
So what does this have to do with the price of eggs in China, Nancy? Place my sandbox in the middle of a vast desert and make a comparison. No comparison. My point is this: Read the Bible from the first word written in Genesis to the very last word written in the Book of Revelation and you will see how God has placed His thought about every part of His creation into action using His creation according to His purpose and will; whether that created person wanted such action or not. No, this is not a control thing, but God is in control thing. Since He created me and He is in control of what He has created, then should I not be able to take every thought captive?

Jehovah-Elohim, Eternal Creator,
My range of thought cannot even come close to what You have, even to this moment. Since You are in control of every thought and You created my capacity to think any thoughts, certainly I can take the time to take captive every thought as though it is from You. My every thought should be used to glorify You and not myself. Since I am still a sinful person in need of a Savior, Jesus, my example of taking captive every thought, help me to do so in order that You may be glorified in my life, in His most presious name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hearing From God

17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

Today I heard the Lord speak through Dr. Charles Stanley about what I have been struggling with for some time. I am not a supernatural person, but I worship a supernatural God who knows my thoughts before I think them. He knew I needed to hear Grandpa Stanley's (both my grandfathers are dead so I adopted Dr. Charles Stanley) message and his words caught my attention of God speaking directly to my heart. Phenomial how the Holy Spirit works. As of right now I find myself wanting to hear the message again because I want God to be specific in what He wants in my heart, basically, I am in the right place, but I have the wrong attitude. God wants to do something through me for the purpose of serving Him, but all I see is what I see with my eyes--the wrongs of those taking advantage of me. I cannot get over this wall of what I see so I can serve God in the right attitude here at home. Unfortunately, I hate conflict, especially inside myself because I don't think I should do such and such in order to serve God. My trouble is, "I do this and I do that and why should I do more? I cannot do everything so if I don't want to do this, I'm not." God is trying to take me to that next step and all I can say is, "That is not satisfactory so I'm not going to do it." And then there is a side of me that says, "I want to do exactly what You want God, but how far do I go? To what extent? Death? To where I cannot go anymore? I cannot do it!"

Lord God Almighty,
Truly in my heart I want to serve You (and You hear that "but" in there.) I know I let my eyes and my emotions prevent me from developing the right attitude toward what You will have me do. I want to stop saying, "That is not satisfactory or I don't deserve this." All I want to say is, "Yes, Lord, no matter what You place in front of me; Like it or not."
This is painful, Lord.
This is something else You want me to let go and give to You--my attitude, my whole attitude, and nothing but my attitude. Is this not something I have controlled and developed through the years? You know this will have to be a daily practice of giving over my attitude everyday, every moment, every breath I take. I have to commit my attitude over to You if I want the best of what You can do through me. I am going to do it, but You know I will need to rely on You to take me through this.
I'm scared, so I look to You to work through me and I must leave all the circumstances up to You. I deserve nothing, but Christ makes me deserving of Your best for me. My status is in You. Take my attitude and make it Your own. Help me in Jesus' name, Amen.

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Worth to God--Part 3

16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Sometimes I have to talk to myself about what I am worth because what is going on around me does not always show. Like right now, I'm not feeling the worth due to the decisions of others. This may sound weird to some, that the decisions of others can have a major affect on me, but unfortunately, it happens. Now an infinite decision has to be made on my part: Do I believe what I see or what I know? This is where it is tough on the feelings. (If you think this is not going in the right direction, stay with me.)
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.

Science has taken a significant jump in watching the development of the fetus in the womb to the point of showing the eggs develop in the ovaries. These eggs, as well as, the sperm that enters the egg which causes the process of division and forming a human being are made up of cells. Each cell has the DNA makeup within the nucleus. This DNA makeup (the chains that make up the DNA) is what determines who we are physically (the outward appearance) and sometimes our physical health. Science has been able to determine what causes some genetic diseases and deformities through our DNA. However, science has not been able to determine a person's purpose in life beyond the physical. Science can make an estimate, a theory, or a prediction using the DNA of the mother and of the father, but they cannot predetermine who a person will turn out to be or their purpose. Even psychiatrist and psychologist will tell you they cannot predetermine a person's future purpose, but only theorize.
Jeremiah 1:4&5 says:
4 The word of the LORD came to me, saying, 5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
God is telling Jeremiah He knew him before he was formed in his mother's womb. This is how well God knows me and everyone born on this earth. He sees each future person until there is only eternity in Heaven or in hell (the final destinations) for those who have lived on earth. God created the first man and He knows the last man who will enter earth as a conceived human in the end day.
This is the reason I do not believe in abortion or human selective breeding or cloning: Created beings should not play with what they perceive as creation because created beings stand flawed next to the Creator.
Do we not remember what happened in history and the Tower of Babel? Why did the Bible call it the Tower of Babel (should be Tower of Babble)? God caused man to speak in different languages and dialects to disrupt man's ability to communicate and finish building a tower to where God sits. He did this to protect man from his self destruction due to his own arrogance and pride. Man did not know there was no air up there and that building such a tower would eventually collapse killing many. Arrogance plus pride plus ignorance equals flawed intelligence which will always equal disaster.

Jehovah-Elohim, Eternal Creator,
You are infinite. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I may not be able to control what is the decisions of others, but I can control what I believe and my behavior will follow. Yet I still have these bouts of feeling worthless allowing my focus to leave You temporarily and become sad and sometimes angry. I praise You because this is only temporary and because You cause me to remember the truth of Your Word so You can raise me back up from the pit. I must give my feelings over to You for I allow them to overwhelm me, but You have overcome that which I see in the physical world. Thank You Father God that You also remind me I was worth dying for and that death has no grip on me. This is because of Your Son, Jesus Christ, whose love did this for me and the sins of the world, Amen.