Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Intentional Speech

20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name.

I recently read a blog from my friend, Nancy Arant Williams that I printed out because I despise reading on the computor unless necessary. I quote the very first sentence: "You and I are God's mouthpiece in the world today."
I stand guilty of not being God's mouthpiece in this world. My greatest problem is emotion. Today I listened to Granddaddy Stanley who through the Holy Spirit, examined my heart concerning how I look at my circumstances. Little Miss Victimized was exposed! Yet in his kind, loving speech, he took me to a new found affection for the Apostle Paul and his writings. The Apostle Paul's writings use to be a jaw-tightening experience for me which toned down to an abandoning as I recognized the truth behind his words as God speaking through him. Now this new found affection only impresses me to desire his courage to look past his circumstances in all things and focus on the purpose God called him.
Now is the time of decision which I need to make concerning the words I use in the circumstances. Do I look at the circumstances returning to Little Miss Victimized looking within, or do I move forward focused on God with His opportunity in sight. Admitably, Little Miss Victimized is far easier especially when I am exposed to this characteristic everyday.
Now I will place an example before me. Usually, I would place my mentor, Gay in this position, but this time, I will use Michael J. Fox. He has written books I should read. He has Parkinson's Disease which is an a chronic and progressive degenerative disease of the brain that impairs motor control, speech, and other functions. (Wikipedia) If this man, who has more to loose than I, can see past his circumstances and deteriation, what is wrong with me? ME, Little Miss Victimized!

El-Elyon, LORD Most High,
I stand before you guilty of evil intent in my speech which comes from my heart Little Miss Victimized waiting to become angry at You or anyone else of MY bad attitude toward circumstances surrounding me and those with the same character. I use this confession to not only ask for forgiveness, but to also ask Your help in changing this attitude by looking to You. This is a lesson needed continually for it is a tough nut to crack to get to the fruit. Crack my hard shell developed over years of not thinking, but sharing my feelings. Take away the shell so others may enjoy the fruit of this nut. Take out the dryness of this voice replacing it with the sweet taste nestled in the meat of a hazel nut. Replace the woman of harshness with a woman of Your intention, in the precious name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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