Sunday, March 1, 2009

Created in Protection

5 You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.

This is what the verse says in the Contemporary English Translation:

5and with your powerful arm you protect me from every side.
To those of us with a strong man who loves us know, that when that man places his arm around you, you feel the strength and the security of having that arm around you. There is no need to fear anything or anyone harming you. What a good feeling!
Along with that strong arm comes the knowledge, not only at a time of danger, but of preventing dangerous situations. A protective, strong arm will not take you into a dark alley where danger may lurk, but keep you in a place where you will less likely to face danger. Basically, the protective, strong arm has a brain and uses it. Now am I going to do something so dumb as to leave the protection of that strong, protective arm? Not this little, red hen!
God Almighty is very protective of His children, but we have to remain within His protection by not straying off, lead away by the temptation of our self-desires. And how do we do this?
>Remain in church fellowship with other believers: This is probably one of the biggest ways of straying. Don't let any excuse come into mind about leaving your church unless they stop teaching the Bible (and I don't mean your interpretation of the Bible).
>Remain in the Word of God: How else are you going to be able to test and approve the message delivered is from the Word of God, the Bible?
>Remain in constant communication with God through prayer: If you stop talking with Him, how will He stay in communication with you? Remember, prayer is a two way communication along with studying your Bible. You pray to the Lord and listen to Him.
>Remain in constant communication with the mature Christian mentor God has entrusted to lead you: If you do not have a mature Christian to mentor you, ask the Lord to send you someone. This person will pray for you, listen to you, encourage you, and gently guide by pointing you always to the Lord for answers in life's difficulties. He will use this person to grow you in your Christian walk. I have had and now have wonderful Christian mentors who have prayed me to the maturity I have today and I do not want to think where I would be if it were not for them. They are such blessings!
>Remain sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit: I cannot stress more the absolute importance of this last piece of advice. Sometimes the Lord uses His Spirit to warn you of impending danger, like an alarm going off inside your head. Life is not like a horror movie where there is a strange silence or music warning you of danger. Danger strikes suddenly. Much like my husband use to say, "When you least expect it, expect it," that is how danger comes upon us. God sees all that goes on way before we are involved, so when He leads you to do something or go somewhere you do not plan (or not), just obey! It may just save your life!

Father God, my Protector,
I commit myself to follow my own advice and remain in Your protection. You have shown me time and time again how You have protected me from danger, not having any idea danger was lurking and waiting for me to fall into it's grasp. Thank you for this love you have for me that You have also seen fit to teach me how to prevent stepping into danger by using the brain You created for me to learn. I would much rather look foolish in Your protection than to be foolish outside of Your protection. Thank you in Jesus' name, Amen.

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